One of the hardest things to deal with is finding time to spend on hobbies. This gets even harder if you have more than one hobby, especially if one of them is gaming. I tend to be obsessive / compulsive when it comes to hobbies and other interests. When I start to get excited about something, I live and breath it. I think that if you know this about yourself, you can tone it down. Not that you don’t obsess over whatever it is, but that you do it to a lesser extent.
Toning down your obsessions can go a long way to balancing your life. For me, I split things into two piles:
- The things I have to do (work, getting the kids to school, laundry, cooking, lawn maintenance, etc,)
- The things you want to do (playing with the kids, gaming, practicing an instrument, surfing the web, etc.)
Once you have these sorted (mentally,) you just have to work through pile #1, and after that you can pick and choose from pile #2.